New European project Emeralds

15 November 2022 – In January 2023, the new Horizon Europe-project Emeralds will kick off. Nineteen municipalities, universities and companies are collaborating in this to create a Mobility Analytics as a Service-tool set. TU Delft is one of the project partners, with the Transport & Planning Department of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences and MICD as executing parties.

Especially in the city, many terabytes of mobility data on cars, public transport, bicycles, air quality and so on become available every day. That is great, but that data is only useful if it can be properly processed and analysed. The aim of the new Emeralds European project is to create a toolset, Mobility Analytics as a Service (MAaaS), that will make working with data a lot easier.

Manage, analyse, visualise and more
The toolset will enable road operators and other stakeholders to collect and manage data of large size, high speed and wide variety, analyse it online and offline, import it into real time responsive AI/ML algorithms and visualise the results in interactive dashboards. All these services will respect strict European legislation, at all levels of architecture.

The toolset is planned to be developed and tested in a number of pilots. The Municipality of Utrecht and the Municipality of The Hague are two of the pilot cities.
Dutch partners in Emeralds are, besides MICD and TU Delft, Arane and Argaleo.